1523 N. Monroe Avenue| Kansas City, MO 64120| Phone: (816) 483-5303| Fax: (816) 483-3360

Application for Employment Contact Us

    Mid-America Car, Inc. Application for Employment

    1. I certify that I have had the opportunity to read the applicant instructions prior to filling out the application.
    I also certify that I agree to the terms of the applicant instructions. Yes
    2. Today's Date:
    3. Employee Name (First, MI, Last):
    4. Social Security Number: - -
    5. Home Phone:
    6. Work Phone:
    6a. Extension:
    7. Current Address:
    7a. City, State, Zip Code:
    8. Previous Address:
    8a. City, State, Zip Code:
    9. I certify that I have had the opportunity to read the applicant note prior to filling out the application. I also certify that I agree to the terms of the applicant note. I certify
    10. E-Mail Address:
    11. For which positions are you applying for? Select all that apply:
    Locomotive MechanicSupervisorRepairerPainterLocomotive ElectricianGeneral ClerkInventory Clerk
    12. What date would you be available to start?
    13. What category of employment would you prefer? Select all that apply:
    14. For which schedules are you available? Select all that apply
    WeekdaysWeekendsEveningsNightsOvertimeShiftOther - Note on comments
    15. What was the highest grade that you completed?
    16. High School Info.

    Did you graduate?
    17.College Info:

    Did you graduate?
    Degree you graduated with:
    18.Other School Info:
    Did you graduate?
    Degree you graduated with.
    19. List states and counties of residence for the past seven years:

    20. List any additional names or social security numbers that you may have used other than those listed on this page.

    21. List any felony convictions and time served in prison in the last seven years. (State the incident, city, state, and charge.) In accordance with company policy this information will be reviewed for job relatedness and time since last conviction.

    22. Select languages that you are fluent in:
    EnglishSpanishFrenchArabicOther - Noted in comments
    23. Please enter the following information about your driver's license.
    If the job you are applying for requires a license, do you carry that license?
    Driver's License Number:
    Class of driver's license:
    State of issue:
    24. Describe any moving violations you may have on your driver's license.

    25. Please list any other skills, licenses, or certificates that may be job related or that you feel would be of value to this job or company.

    26. Have you had a chance to review the job descriptions or had the requirements of the job explained to you?
    27. Do you understand these requirements?
    28. Would you be able to perform these requirements with or without any reasonable accommodations?
    29. Most Recent Employer:
    Company Name:
    Dates employed:
    Job Title:
    Supervisor Name:
    Reason for leaving:
    30. Are you currently working for this employer?
    31. If yes, may we contact?
    32. Previous Employer:
    Name, City, State:
    Dates employed:
    Job Title:
    Supervisor Name:
    Reason for leaving:
    33. Previous Employer:
    Name, city, state:
    Dates employed:
    Job Title:
    Supervisor Name:
    Reason for leaving:
    34. Please enter all of your information for your first reference.
    Name of reference:
    Street Address:
    City, State, Zip code:
    Phone Number:
    Years Known:
    35. Please enter all of your information for your second reference.
    Name of reference:
    Street Address:
    City, State, Zip code:
    Phone Number:
    Years Known:

    37. I agree to the conditions set forth in the certification & release statement.
    38. I agree to the terms in the Statement of social security number to be used as signature.